
Bus from Shimla to Dalhousie, India

How to get to Dalhousie, India from Shimla by bus ? You can check how to get bus from Shimla to Dalhousie, India below.

Search Transfer from Shimla to Dalhousie, India

1. Chandigarh to Dalhousie

  1. You take a bus, shuttle or taxi from your location in Shimla to Chandigarh.

  2. You take a bus from Chandigarh to Dalhousie and cost approximately 460 INR (6 USD) (ref: HRTC).

  3. You take a bus, shuttle or taxi from Dalhousie to your destination in Dalhousie, India.

2. Shimla ISBT Tutikandi to Chamba

  1. You take a bus from Shimla ISBT Tutikandi to Chamba and cost approximately 800 INR (11 USD) (ref: HRTC).

  2. You take a bus, shuttle or taxi from Chamba to your destination in Dalhousie, India.

Bus stop places in Shimla


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You can find hotels and accommodations in Dalhousie, India with our hotels search tool below